Scans accounts and marketplace to find the cards selected by you with specified mints and price.
Scans accounts for a specific collection, with the ability to show results with different filter methods such as 'All items', 'Only dupes' and 'Best set'.
You can see the spinner odds and have the option to use an auto-spinner that spins every few seconds for you until it reaches the limit set by you, either number of spins or silver left.
Allows you to mass list cards, with automatic floor price input and advanced options for selecting the mints.
Gives you the ability to mass open, mass list and to enable offers for $0.1 at any price to easily transfer packs.
Shows the history of any card using its ID. Can also be used in the scanner and mint search sections.
Shows a list of all items in a collection, their circulation, total mint count and market price.
Custom Discord feed server with mint and price filter for market and packs opened.